Personal Care


How are you doing?

Things seem to be settling down… yet it all still feels a little surreal to me.

Perhaps it is a nice reminder we still need to check in and take care of ourselves. Perhaps even looking to how we balance all the dimensions of lives. Our WHOLE lives. All the dimensions matter!

I recommend talking a walk and having a little listen to this podcast episode with the brilliant Dr. John Arden. It provides a bit of understanding around the why of all the things we ‘know’ are good for us - but need a little motivation to get back on track.

Seriously though, enjoy with a walk. After all physical activity is one of those real goodies for all the dimensions of our wellbeing.


Kaitlin x

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Moving Through Anxiety To The ‘Mighty Me’ You Want To Be

This one is for the mummas. For the ladies.

Well, actually, it is for everyone, because we ALL get anxious.

But, it also is true that we women are significantly more likely to experience clinical levels of anxiety. We are also paid less than men for the same work, to do more domestic tasks, to be seen as less likeable when we are seen as confident (and vis-versa), are more likely to be sexually harassed… and so on.

So, it is no wonder we feel anxious.

Interested in learning some skills to help you be the Mighty Mumma we know you are?!

Have a listen to this Wisdom for Wellbeing podcast interview with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Jill Stoddard. Dr. Stoddard is skilled in explaining stress, anxiety, fear and the like, as well as detailing effective strategies to move forward creating a life by design – a mighty life. She is open in sharing her own struggles, and clearly lives all the wisdom she shares here today.

So, your first mighty action – put in those ear buds!

Until soon,

Kaitlin xx |

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Big Emotions Happening this Week?

We’re all spending a lot more time together in a small space.

Everything feels ‘different’, uncertain and scary.

Of course, this means that we may be experiencing bigger emotions… and our small people might be experiencing bigger emotions. Eek!

But, rather than this being the perfect mess, it could be a brilliant opportunity to teach your little ones how to feel the feels. And, it could be a chance to practice asking for the support you need from different people in your life to get through this challenging time.

Interested in how you can get more comfortable with the uncomfortable?!

Have a listen to this Wisdom for Wellbeing interview with the brilliant psychologist Tiffany Rochester.

Wishing you and yours well.

~Kaitlin Harkess /

Tiffany Rochester

Let's get this Cardio Party Started

Crank up some Spotify Tunes and let’s get your body moving today

This is a great little workout to get the heart rate pumping

4 Exercises 10 times and repeat as much as you can

Warm Up

Marching on the Spot

High Knee Jog on the Spot

Butt Kicks

Exercises do 10 repetitions and repeat as many times as you can

Squats - with our without arms, my ultimate favorite exercise, remember to clench the butt and tip the hips as you come up

Mountain Climbers - pump those knees to your chest and really work that body

Lunges - 5 each side, remember to keep your body in line and keep the weight in the ball of your back foot

Knee Repeaters - 10 each side, work those arms too

How many sets of these exercises can you do?