Get involved

Village Life will be offered over 6 weeks, with each session lasting approximately one hour. Parents will be invited to start the group as soon as possible after the birth of their baby, ideally within 2 weeks of birth.  Groups will be made up of approximately 6-8 members. The program will be offered via Zoom.

If you are interested in participating in the program, you will be asked to complete an online consent form and provide an email or phone contact.  All details will be kept confidential. You will be asked to complete a questionnaire regarding your confidence as a parent at the beginning of the program and again at the end. The confidence questionnaires will take 5-10 minutes to complete. You will also be asked to complete an anonymous feedback questionnaire about your experience with the program. This questionnaire will be provided at the end of the last session and will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete and will include:

  • General information about yourself such as on your age, gender, postcode, and number of children. You will then be asked to rate the program with regards to benefit, satisfaction, education and support as well as provide additional comments.

 A further questionnaire will be emailed to you to be completed online 3 months after the program regarding the ongoing impact of the program and will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. All questionnaires will be anonymous, but you will be given a unique code to record on each questionnaire that does not link to your name or any identifiable information for the purpose of comparing responses before and after the program.

Please register your interest if you would like to enroll in #Parent-life and assist us to evaluate the program. We’re looking for women and their partners who are:

  • First-time parents - mum and/or dad

  • 18 years of age or older

  • Have a baby who is less than 10 weeks old 

Please note, your participation is voluntary and if at any time you’d like to unenroll from the program and/or study, please feel no pressure to continue and simply stop attending.


What about privacy?

All records containing your information will be confidential and all data will be de-identified, except in the case of legal requirements toward an authorised third party.

This study has been reviewed and approved by the University of South Australia Human Research Ethics Committee. If you’d like to discuss the study with someone not directly involved, in particular in relation to policies, your rights as a participant, or should you wish to make a confidential complaint, you may contact the Executive Officer of this Committee, Tel: 08 8302 3118; Email:

If you have any questions about the study or you would like to discuss the information further, please contact Jenny Fereday on 0418 823 805 or

Consent form

Village Life: A pilot study to explore a novel online early parenting program

I, hereby consent to my involvement in the research project entitled #parent-life.

  1. The nature and purpose of the research project described on the attached Information Sheet has been explained to me. I understand it and agree to taking part.

  2. I understand that I may not directly benefit by taking part in this study.

  3. I acknowledge that the possible risks and/or side effects, discomforts and inconveniences, as outlined in the Information Sheet, have been explained to me.

  4. I understand that I can withdraw from the study at any stage and that this will not affect medical care or any other aspects of my relationship with this healthcare service.

  5. I understand that there will be no payment to me for taking part in this study.

  6. I have had the opportunity to discuss taking part in this research project with a family member or friend, and/or have had the opportunity to have a family member or friend present whilst the research project was being explained by the researcher.

  7. I am 18 years of age or older.

  8. I am a first-time parent with a baby born in the last 10 weeks

  9. I understand that participation involves attending and providing feedback on the program which involves 4-6 x 1 hour sessions to be held online through UniSA Zoom account

  10. I understand that I will need to provide contact details either an email address or phone number on attendance of the program

  11. I am aware that I should retain a copy of the Consent Form, when completed, and the     Information Sheet.

  12. I understand that my information will be kept confidential as explained in the information sheet except where there is a requirement by law for it to be divulged.

I understand and I agree to the terms of this research study, and to the researchers contacting me on the details that I provide.