
Taking (Tina) Turn(er)s


Sometimes I describe parenting my twins as the Thunderdome… two kids enter, one kid leaves. Especially when I used to set up those little playpen cages in the toddler years. Twins are brutal and I can’t remember a time mine weren’t best frenemies - ultrasounds watching your blobs kick each other is quite the memory.

It’s hard to run things here in Bartertown, so when things get hectic with screams of, “Its my turn!” I channel my inner Aunty Entity, my inner Tina Turner. As my inner monologue repeats, “break the deal, face the wheel” I pull out a surprisingly crap craft that small people respect and understand.

The Taking Turner.

You need:

A paper plate, paper, textas, scissors, bandaids, a split pin or something like that.

Check the video for how to build you own in 10 minutes or less and regain control of your own post-apocalyptic household action. In all seriousness, taking turns can be tricky for our small family members and visual prompts help. For parents, the sense of humour goes a long way in a mad mad world.

Good luck!


aka Aunty Entity. Shout out to all the 80’s kids who got my pop references. Now I’m off to find myself a chain mail dress.