Let go of control so you can rise higher. Love, April.

Heyy you, it is Monday morning 8:00am where I live. The sun is starting to show itself and I just had a mango & cranberry juice breakfast. Goooodmorning!

With a new week ahead, it feels like the perfect time to give you some food for thought! 

This is an interesting month for me in many ways, all caused by the guidance I received from my true self:

"In April, don't work for 15 days (spread throughout the month)."  

Say what?! Seriously, in the past three years, I can't even remember when I didn't work for 5 or 6 days per week, and that is not something that I am proud of. 

I've been feeling for a while that I need to change the way I am working, so I knew why I received this guidance.

The first thing I did (which was definitely necessary, lol), was clearing my limiting beliefs around spending time on and for myself, stepping away from my businesses and letting of control. Second, I blocked 15 days in my calendar. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

The first days of my 15-days-of-not-working, I felt restless. It was almost like I was programmed to check my phone over and over, refresh my mail, open Facebook, check my Instagram inbox, check my website... 

"NO Jenn, a day off is a day OFF!"

Just checking something quickly might seem innocent, but it is not just about your fingers opening a screen and your eyes reading a message - your mind will consume this information and so basically, it is still spending its attention and energy on work. That is called not-letting-go-of-control-cheating, and that is not a self-loving thing to do!

Now, more than halfway through April, and I'm absolutely loving all my guilt-free days off. I've slept so much that I feel fully recharged, I've had time to research many things that I am interested in that are not work-related, I spend quality time with friends, I'm learning new skills like photo-editing and skateboarding, I've had dates with myself and... I'm attracting organic traction in the midst of it all!  

Then on the days I am working, I want to honour my recharged energy and spend it in the best ways possible. So here's what I do: every time I (automatically) want to give in to any action (read: from a few second actions to a few hour actions), I ask myself two questions:

1. How necessary is this action?
2. Is this action in the highest good of me and my businesses?

I'm not exaggerating if I say that probably 80% of my actions (most of them having to do with checking things) don't make the cut. 

So... I challenge you to challenge yourself this week! Ask yourself these two questions before you take any action. Your energy is so precious... it is the energy that creates your world. Spend it wisely and in a self-loving way. You deserve that!

And if you love to receive guidance from your own true self and like to get rid of some of your own deep-rooted limiting beliefs, I invite you to book a free 15-minute demo session with me.

Have an awesome week!

 With love, 


Deepak Chopra's 21 Day Abundance Meditation course - WEEK 3

***Welcome to Week 3! 7 days to go. Keep it up, and remember to only do one day at a time.

DAY 15


Write a letter of gratitude and recognition to a person who you think hurt you at some point in life. Meditate so that the image of this person comes to you. More than one person may appear. But today we write a letter to only one. Before you sit down to write, cleanse yourself of negative emotions towards this person. If you still have resentment or anger, you can separately write down all these feelings for them on paper and then burn or tear the sheet to shreds. It is important not to feel hostility towards a person when you write a letter of thanks to them. Write this letter on a piece of paper. Writing by hand for this exercise is important!

Phrase - โ€œAs I live in present moment awareness I live the magic of synchrodestinyโ€

Mantra - Aham Bramasmi Aham Bramasmi

Let your day be filled with joy, happiness and bright events !

DAY 16


Make a list of things that you wanted to do, but postponed. This could be because of other priorities or because of fear of hurting someone, or failing. Regardless of the reason, these are things that you still plan on doing. The idea of โ€‹โ€‹writing this list is to forgive yourself for everything that you have not done in your life. For each line on your list, write a text of forgiveness based on examples below: * I, full name, forgive myself absolutely and lovingly for not graduating from university * I, full name, forgive myself absolutely and lovingly that I did not show my vulnerability. Write down everything you want, without limitation.

Phrase - "Today I remember to be grateful"

Mantra - Om Vardhanam Nama Om Vardhanam Nama

Have a wonderful and prosperous day!

DAY 17


Create a list of all the important things you have. Material, spiritual, emotional, etc. For example: I have a smartphone to be in touch with the world I have a credit card to pay bills I have a real friendship I have internet I have an affection for husband, wife or partner I have memories I have an education I have a favorite city ... There are no high or low limits in the things you can write down. Recognize everything you have that matters to you. Motto: I lead my feelings and choose to feel whole, healthy, abundant and blessed.

Phrase - โ€œI move through my days lighthearted and care-free knowing all is well โ€

Mantra - Sat Chit Ananda Sat Chit Ananda

Message - Today we look at how we can live carefree - free from judgment and anxiety, focusing on the joy and perfection of what is right now. By meditating and plunging into the awareness of the present moment, you understand that it is at this moment, everything is perfect and is what it should be. And that any problems that you have are transient and temporary. You reconnect with your True Self, feeling lighter and free. Throughout life, you will begin to look at everyday circumstances easily and meet surprises calmly and with grace.

Question N ยฐ 1: How do you feel when you wake up every morning?

Question N ยฐ 2: How much would your life improve if you lived with a light and carefree heart?

Question N ยฐ 3: How can you switch your mind to spread the love and joy that you feel in your heart right now?

Sending you love todayโค

DAY 18


Write a letter to your country of origin. In this letter, express all your feelings about it. Remember that all of your feelings are valid and appropriate. Write everything that arises. I remind you, write down the meditation in your notebook and keep your attention on it throughout the day.

Phrase - * I celebrate my unity with all life knowing we are all one *

Mantra - Tat Tham Aci Tat Tuam Asi

Message of the Day - Live in unity

In today's meditation, we will talk about unity, as the basic truth of all that exists. As individuals, we are not alike. We have different lifestyles, beliefs and perceptions. However, these differences exist only in the physical plane. Whereas at the molecular and spiritual level, we are all one and are connected with the universal primary source. When we begin to fully understand this concept of life in unity, the idea of โ€‹โ€‹a personal โ€œIโ€ gives way to the image of a universal โ€œIโ€. The concept of rivalry and competition disappears. This relationship contributes to deep love and empathy for everyone who surrounds us.

QUESTION N ยฐ 1: How would you define unity?

QUESTION N ยฐ 2: What do you think of diversity?

QUESTION N ยฐ 3: How did meditation help you realize the idea of โ€‹โ€‹living in unity?

DAY 19

Read the parable below at least twice and then write down your thoughts and feelings in your notebook. Moreover, today SHARE in the group - what does the parable mean to you?

Parable โ€œThis too shall passโ€.

There was a king and he once said to the court sages - I have a ring with one of the finest diamonds in the world and I want to hide a message under the stone that can be useful in a situation of extreme despair.  I will give this ring to my heirs and I want it to serve faithfully.  Think of what kind of message will be there.  It must be very short to fit in the ring. The sages knew how to write treatises, but did not express themselves in one short sentence.  They Thought and thought, but did not come up with anything. The king complained about the failure of his venture to a faithful old servant who raised him from infancy and was part of the family.  And the old man said to him: โ€œIโ€™m not a sage, Iโ€™m not educated, but I know such a message. For many years spent in the palace, I met a lot of people. And once I served a visiting mystic whom your father invited. And he gave me this message. I ask that you donโ€™t read it now. Save it under the stone and open it only when thereโ€™s no way out at all. The king listened to the old servant. After some time, the enemies attacked the country and the king lost the war.  He fled on his horse and his enemies pursued him.  He was alone, his enemies were many. He rode to the end of the road.  There was a huge deep cliff before him, if he fell there, it is the end.  He could not go back, as the enemies were approaching. He already heard the clatter of their horses' hooves.  He had no way out.  He was in complete despair. And then he remembered the ring.  He opened it and found an inscription: โ€œThis too shall passโ€ After reading the message, he felt that everything was quiet.  Apparently the pursuers got lost and proceeded in the wrong direction. Horses were no longer heard. The king was filled with gratitude to the servant and the unknown mystic. The words were powerful.  He closed the ring.  And set out on the road.  He gathered his army and returned his state. On the day when he returned to the palace, they arranged a magnificent meeting, a feast for the whole world - the people loved their king. The king was happy and proud. An old servant came up to him and said softly: โ€œEven in this moment, look at the message again.โ€ The King said, โ€œNow I am a winner, people are celebrating my return, I'm not in despair, not in a hopeless situation." โ€œListen to this old servant,โ€ the servant answered. โ€œThe message works not only in moments when everything is bad, but also in moments of victory.โ€ The king opened the ring and read: "This too shall pass." And again he felt a silence fall over him, although he was in the midst of a noisy dancing crowd.  His pride dissolved.  He understood the message. He was a wise man. And then the old man said to the king; โ€œDo you remember everything that happened to you? Nothing and no feeling is permanent. As night changes day, so moments of joy and despair replace each other. Accept them as the nature of things, as part of lifeโ€

Friends, today, after completing the task of this day, look at the events in your life (both good and not so good) while considering the words of the parable "This too shall pass." Then write here in the group what thoughts and feelings you have about the meaning of the parable.

Phrase - "Today I remember to love everything and everyone I come into contact with"

Mantra - Sat chit ananda Sat chit ananda Have an abundant day!

DAY 20


Scroll through your journal, read the tasks you've performed. See if there is something that you missed. Would you like to supplement anything in the light of your new awareness? After that, think about someone in your life and/or environment who seems to be unhappy or going through a challenging time. This person may complain often and have a generally negative view of life. It could be someone from the 7th day list or someone else. Share the parable from Day 19 with this person and write down what happens in your journal. How did you feel sharing the parable with him / her? What thoughts, associations, sensations arose in the process? Did they answer? Did you talk about it, what did you discuss?   You never know whose life you can impact and shift when you share with them what youโ€™ve learned.

Message - โ€œLive on the fat of the land.โ€

Today we look at the concept of luxury, adding to your life something that is much more significant than just a necessity. When you feel that you are worthy to receive all the blessings that the Universe can offer you, your needs are satisfied easily and even more than necessary. As soon as you learn to accept the grace that has been sent to you, you are showing the universe that you deserve only the best and are ready to receive it.

QUESTION N ยฐ 1: How is luxury manifested in your life?

QUESTION N ยฐ 2: What luxurious gifts do you present yourself?

QUESTION N ยฐ 3: How can you bring luxury to others?

Phrase - โ€œToday I treat myself to moments of luxuryโ€

Mantra - Om Ritam

DAY 21

We are complete! I am so proud of you all, for participating fully, or partially, all the ways are perfect and, I hope, that wisdom and inspiration was gleaned from each participation.

Message: Are you familiar with the seven โ€œswitchesโ€ of happiness? ๐ŸŒŸ give to your neighbor ๐ŸŒŸ transmit (love & light) ๐ŸŒŸ let go (of things that do not serve you) ๐ŸŒŸ indulge (live life to the fullest) ๐ŸŒŸ give thanks ๐ŸŒŸ give yourself (be of service) ๐ŸŒŸ forgive

When these seven become part of your life, happiness will flow into it simply and easily. Everything is energy and its flow must be circular and continuous in order to return abundance to you. This is how the law of reciprocity works. Energy current โ†”๏ธ influx/flow โ†”๏ธ money/abundance Keep your channels open and clean so that your energy can flow unhindered! Remember to stay present. This is YOUR time! Your future is in your hands; you make choices and decisions every day, every moment. How you use your time, with whom you spend it, and how you feel at every moment determines your life. * Key Takeaways: * ๐ŸŒธ awareness ๐ŸŒธ gratitude ๐ŸŒธ recognition of value & abundance.

Thank you everyone for your participation, presence and energy invested in this process!


Post to the group a video or audio report describing your experience of journeying through these 21 days of plenty. (Or just write a message if you find it difficult to record video and audio.) In the report, say (write): - Your name - Where you are from - you have reflected on your journey up until this point. What were your results? What did you learn/gain from this experience? - Did you like participating in this journey and moving towards abundance in a group stream? - And tell us what you do in life, what you offer, and then tell us what ideas for projects you have. Perhaps here you will meet like-minded people, partners or people interested in your services. Use all of your creative abilities, describing yourself and your experience. And remember that brevity is the soul of wit.

Phrase - "Every moment of every day I live my life abundantly"

Mantra - So Hum

Well Done! Lots of love to you x

Deepak Chopra's 21 Day Abundance Meditation course - WEEK 2

***Remember - only read each day at a time. Best of luck for Week 2.


Congratulations! Weโ€™ve completed one week together! ๐Ÿ™ so happy for you to be committed and enjoying meditating daily.


Find at least 5 receipts of recent purchases. Write on each of them: * "All that is invested is good and will return to itself seven times" * Receipts can be of any type: supermarket, restaurant, personal items, car, health, hairdresser, entertainment, etc. If your purchase receipts are electronic, you may create a paper receipt by writing the amount, date and to whom you paid on a piece of paper. And from now on, on each purchase receipt that you receive, write this statement. Remember, itโ€™s important not only what you write, but also how you write it. Words have power. They help our mind build new programming and therefore create a new reality.

Phrase - โ€œThrough the law of pure potentiality I can create anything anytime anywhere โ€

Mantra - Om Bhavan Nama Om Bhawan Nama



Write 5 of your shortcomings / flaws that limit you in your notebook. The traits that do not allow you to receive what you want materially or any aspects of abundance. Do not write only from the mind but rather feel with your heart what these flaws are.

Phrase - "Today and always, I give what I want to receive"

And, of course, there is a pleasant and useful meditation for you today.

Mantra - Om Vardanam Nama Om Vardanam Nama

9 days in! Thanks for sharing the journey and spreading the love and abundance ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ’–

DAY 10


From yesterday, choose 2 things that limit you. Establish a program for yourself by writing down at least 2 specific daily actions that โ€œfixโ€ the defect, reduce a deficiency, or realize that there is a plus side to this defect and start using it in to your advantage. After that, immediately begin to fulfill the intent of your program. For example: If one is your flaws is being "ungrateful," you can establish a daily journaling of writing down all of what you're grateful.

Phrase - โ€œToday I make great choices because they are made with full awarenessโ€œ Write the phrase of the day in a notebook and keep it in your head, remembering and saying it as often as possible during the day. Start as early as possible so that there is more opportunity to repeat the phrase of the day. In addition, listen to today's meditation at least 3 times.

Mantra - Om Kriam Nama Message: Abundance and the Law of Karma In today's meditation, we will discuss the Law of Karma, or conscious decision-making, and see how, by making the right choices, we can bring much more good into our lives. When you make any choice, you may ask yourself: how will this choice bring more happiness and more abundance to my life and those around me? Having asked this question, shift your attention to the heart, and the answer will immediately become clear. By practicing conscious decision-making in this way, you will learn to observe your thoughts and make decisions that are more favorable to you.

QUESTION N ยฐ 1: How do you make decisions?

QUESTION N ยฐ 2: How have your decisions affected your life?

QUESTION N ยฐ 3: How can you make a more conscious choice?

Love โค to each and every one of you Have a restful night and beautiful and productive day!

DAY 11

Abundance and the Law of Least Effort

In today's meditation, we will look at the Law of Least Effort and how it can support you in being unattached to the outcome of your deepest desires and intentions. When your actions are motivated by love, your energy is multiplied and accumulated. The release of this energy allows you to redirect it and use it to create everything that you want to create. When your spirit is your inner point of reference, all the power of love is at your disposal. And you can use this energy creatively, moving toward abundance and evolution.

QUESTION N ยฐ 1: According to your conviction, how hard should you work to enjoy true abundance?

QUESTION N ยฐ 2: In what areas of your life would you like to get more abundance?

QUESTION N ยฐ 3: What changes should you make to release your desires into the space of universal consciousness - the source of all abundance?

Task - Please describe your mum in the notebook. * positive aspects * limitations * what did you learn from her? * What brought you together? * What separated / distance you? If your mother is no longer in this world, focus on her image, join her and write what rises in your memory and feelings. For some, this will not be an easy task. If this is the case - while doing it, try to distance yourself from the personal experiences you've had with your mum. See her as just a human, a woman living her own life.

Phrase - โ€I expect and accept abundance to flow easily to me"

Mantra - Om Daksham Nama

DAY 12

Abundance and the Law of Intent and Desire

Attention energizes; intention transforms. In today's meditation, we will look at the Law of Intent and Desire. Whatever you want or need in life can be programmed in the space โ€œcomputer." It has unlimited organizing power to work for you, clearly articulating the intention and throwing its seeds in the field of all possibilities. Thus, you will attract the right people, as well as favorable situations and circumstances; which will help you in the manifestation and implementation of your desires.

QUESTION N ยฐ 1: What is your highest intention in life?

QUESTION N ยฐ 2: What can you do to make this happen?

QUESTION N ยฐ 3: How will this intention best serve you and others?

Task - Ask your mum what her biggest pain / disappointment has been in her life. And, what is her dream - and/or great desire that remains unfulfilled? Write the answer in your notebook. If your mother is no longer with you or you are unable to ask her personally, go into a state of meditation, ask and listen to the answer. Write it down.

Phrase - I place my intention into the vast ocean of all possibilities and allow the universe to work through me

Mantra - Om Mritham Nama Om Mritham Nama

DAY 13

Abundance and the Law of Detachment

Today we will learn how to abandon a desire to get a certain result. We will learn the Law of Detachment. Abundance comes in many forms. As long as you create through desires that benefit the whole world, you can get whatever you want. Symbols of abundance: a big house, a new car or elaborate jewelry will bring waves of excitement into your life. And yet, these symbols may mean sacrificing the ocean for the sake of several transient waves. "Live, overflowing with an abundance of love, passion, creativity and significance, and then these symbols themselves will โ€œchaseโ€ you." --Dr. David Simon, Co-Founder of the Chopra Center

QUESTION N ยฐ 1: What symbols of abundance do you dream of?

QUESTION N ยฐ 2: How could they improve both your life and others?

QUESTION N ยฐ 3: How else will such abundance positively affect your life?

Task - Think about your mumโ€™s description from Day 11. Consider your life and your patterns of behavior. Do you see some similarities between you and your mom? What are they, how were they formed? Write these reflections in your notebook. Listen to today's meditation twice in a row. Have a wonderful day everyone, full of light and abundance! ๐Ÿ’Ž

Phrase - "As I let go of the need to arrange my life, the Universe brings abundant good to me"

Mantra - Om Anadham Nama Om Anadham Nama

DAY 14

We are heading into our last week together. Let's keep doing the work and creating abundance!

Abundance and the Law of Dharma

Today we are completing the second week of the 21 day meditation program of the Chopra Center - KEY TO ABUNDANCE. Over the past week, we have examined abundance in terms of the principles described in my book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, from the Law of Pure Potentiality to the Dharma Law today. When your life is full of true purpose, your dharma, or abundance, rushes toward you easily and effortlessly. As the saying goes: โ€œDo what you love, the money will be.โ€ It is not only about material wealth, but also about satisfaction, confidence, optimism, joy and abundance! And all of its manifestations that will come to you if you live your true purpose in life.

QUESTION N ยฐ 1: What brings you the most joy?

QUESTION N ยฐ 2: How do you feel this joy in your everyday life and in your current work?

QUESTION N ยฐ 3: How can you approach a life full of joy, by living your Dharma or life's dream?

Task - Enjoy this day, noticing the generous gifts of the world that surround us, seek us, and ask us to notice and accept them. Seek, find, accept and give thanks for each of them. At the end of the day, write down at least three paths / sources through which abundance has come to you today. Even if it was something very small. Watch the short video below. Write down 3 cases when you deprived someone of the opportunity to learn his/her lesson. Think of examples such as helping a friend, showing your power over children, etc. Phrase - "There is a way I can fulfill my true purpose in life"

Mantra - Om Varunam Nama Om Varunam Nama Have a beautiful day!

Congratulations! Tomorrowโ€™s post will share the final 7 days of the course.

A Gift for You this Mothers' Day

Happy Mothers Day?

I pose this as a question on purpose because, well, they arenโ€™t always what theyโ€™re cracked up to be.

They can absolutely be the most special, warm, heart-melting, cheek-squishing days, with breakfasts in bed, warm coffee, hand made cards and flowers and gifts in abundance. Just watch Insta and FB for such examples - there will be hundreds. They can certainly be filled with gushing gratitude, dishes done, washing hung. Maybe the kids will be smiling friendly children who have taken a vow not to fight today. Anything is possible.

I sincerely wish for you at least one of these beautiful elements. But just in case your Mothers Day is a little less magic and a little more underwhelming, I want you to know, I hear you.

It can be a day of feeling unappreciated, a day when all you want is for someone to say,

โ€˜youโ€™re an amazing mum, we love you so much, we love your stories and the way you make us dinner when youโ€™re exhausted, and the way you work so hard to make a better life for us, and we love how hard you try and appreciate how tired you are while you play endlessly and make snacks and wash everything and smile when youโ€™re sad so that we can be happyโ€™

and to maybe spoil you rotten for just ONE day, the way you do for them every day, but what you get is, well, not a lot.

It can be silently, and desperately, tough. It can be an emotional devastation for those without mums, or those who have lost children, or canโ€™t have children, or have children and are not coping with having children.

It can be exhausting to have high hopes and watch them crumble as the day goes on without acknowledgement.

It can be an intense day of feeling the pressure to love motherhood when all you want to do is cry and sleep under your doona, dreaming of the life you once had.

Reach out this Mothers Day to a new mum, a mum who may not have it all together, a mum who is yet to be a mum but desperately trying. You know the mums posting picture perfect scenes on FB? Reach out to those mums too.

If youโ€™re feeling like you deserve a little more, here are some things you can do JUST for you, from you. The gift of self love.

Get dolled up. Even if youโ€™re spending the day at home, take some time to make yourself feel amazing. pop on some makeup, do your hair and put on something that makes you feel nurtured or gorgeous.

Have a bubble bath. Even better if you can have it with salts, oils, and soft music. If youโ€™re a single mum, or donโ€™t have someone to watch the ids for 30 mins, pop them in with you.

Champagne. Spoil yourself with a bottle of sparkling, the best one you can afford, and have a glass. Cheers yourself for all the wonderful things you do. (have it in the bath!)

Flowers. Go for a walk and pick some lovely flowers, or buy yourself a bunch from the supermarket and add foliage from the garden to really spruce it up. If you feel like it, take the children and do it together.

Pamper. Wait for the kids to go to sleep and paint your nails, do a face mask, put leave in conditioner in your hair, at the very least slice some cucumbers for your eyes.

Raw Choc. make yourself some simple raw chocolate. It takes about 10 minutes, tastes amazing and its good for you.

Light a scented candle. Or spray some perfume that you love, or burn some healing oils.

Journal. This one always amazes me. Drawing, writing, journalling with coloured pens in a gorgeous notebook ($4 from Kmart) clears the mind and helps us feel connected.

You can give to yourself all the recognition and love you need. You are worthy of no less.

Keep it simple. I did this last night. It was magic. I lay on the floor with my daughter, and we played. We tickled, we laughed, we hugged the dog, we put our feet up on the couch and played slides. I immersed myself into it and just played.

Reach out. If you really are feeling low, please reach out, call a trusted friend to talk through your feelings. Reach out to one of our mentors on the App or call a support line. You are not alone - this really can be such a big day emotionally.

I miss my mum so much, and on Mothers Day I always wish I could tell her how amazing she was, and to have her tell me Im doing ok too. As a gift in her honour, I wanted to share this with you, and you may wish to share it too, for all mums. You are doing amazing! You are wonderful. You are enough. xx

I wish for you a Happy Mothers Day - in whatever form that comes for you.

Please enjoy the guided meditation tonight, at the end of the day, as you allow yourself some peace. Lots of love to you. X

You are enough

Bottle'O'Bubble - How to make bubble blowers from household items.


How to make bubble blowers from household items to make your own COVID ISO Foam party at home with the kids.

You need:

  • Detergent

  • Water

  • Plastic bottle

  • A sock

  • optional *for touchable stronger bubbles you can add glucose syrup (available at most supermarkets or in houses with fructose allergies)


The Bubble Mix:

Mix 1 and a half cups of hot water to 1/2 a cup of detergent. Optional - add 1/4 of a cup of glucose for tougher touchable bubbles.

The Bottle Blower:

Cut a plastic bottle** in half. I found the slighter harder plastic better than the really thin plastic water bottles.

Put a sock over the open end.



Dip and blow. Donโ€™t slosh and stir - that will just make bubbles in your mix and as my friend, Frehd the Clown will tell you, froth is the enemy of good bubbles.

โค Simone

Check out the disco kids making their own foam party during the last rainy day.


**Iโ€™m thinking this could also be a way to reuse the bottom halves of all the drink bottles you end up with that have no tops after your child has chewed the mouth spout thing to pieces or you discovered the non leak promise was all lies.

Apocalyptic contacts and why you shouldnโ€™t clean. By Boo Dwyer

Hello home life friends,

I hope life is treating you well.
In this weeks video I discuss why cleaning is heartbreaking, dogs are bad for crafting and Apocalyptic contacts coming back from your past to โ€˜check inโ€™ on you now.

I am keeping the vibe real with a healthy regrowth, distinct lack of bra, hygiene and care

Take care everyone,

Much love,

Boo x


How are you doing?

Things seem to be settling downโ€ฆ yet it all still feels a little surreal to me.

Perhaps it is a nice reminder we still need to check in and take care of ourselves. Perhaps even looking to how we balance all the dimensions of lives. Our WHOLE lives. All the dimensions matter!

I recommend talking a walk and having a little listen to this podcast episode with the brilliant Dr. John Arden. It provides a bit of understanding around the why of all the things we โ€˜knowโ€™ are good for us - but need a little motivation to get back on track.

Seriously though, enjoy with a walk. After all physical activity is one of those real goodies for all the dimensions of our wellbeing.


Kaitlin x

Blog Feature Images (5).png

Foiled again! Oh look something shiny- the power of distraction.

backseat foil websize.png

One of my most valuable parenting tools is DISTRACTION. When the meltdown is huge and the person having it isnโ€™t responding to logic, reason or consoling, try distraction. I needed to distract my smalls with something shiny after a lego incident (did you know lego friends wontโ€™t fit on traditional lego motorbike pieces? I can tell you the discovery of that caused some major meltdowns the other day. Thinking fast I looked for a quick distraction around the kitchen and spotted ALFOIL.

Not only is it shiny and makes great baked potatoes, its also a fabulous art surface. Did you know you can draw on Alfoil? It has a lovely smooth feel and makes the colours pop off the surface nice and bright.

You can freedraw or if you are feeling particularly crafty you could try this string geometric style option, or even use string and glue-stick to make your own shapes. Check our shiny little distractions: Instructions below.

free draw.jpg

Freestyling version:

  1. Cut a piece of card from a cereal box or any box you have handy. ( I keep a few in a tub for making aside from our recycle box)

  2. Wrap in alfoil and gently press down

  3. Colour with markers (permanent work better but keep tabs on them so you donโ€™t find them on your walls or furniture later)


Geometric dreams version:

  1. Cut a piece of card from a cereal box or any box you have handy. ( I keep a few in a tub for making aside from our recycle box)

  2. Cut little notches around the edges

  3. Use string in and out of the notches to make some geometric shapes.

  4. Wrap in alfoil and gently press down so the string is raised slightly

  5. Colour with markers.

alfoil step2.jpg

Swirly curly version:

  1. Cut a piece of card from a cereal box or any box.

  2. Cover with white glue or draw lines using a glue stick.

  3. Use string pushed onto your glue marks to make shapes and pattern.

  4. Wrap in alfoil and gently press down so the string is raised slightly.

  5. Colour with markers.


Deepak Chopraโ€™s 21 Day Abundance Meditation course - WEEK 1

This 21 day meditation commitment is about changing your mindset to one of abundance and realising you are so very capable of having, experiencing and feeling anything you desire. Itโ€™s such a powerful and supportive journey. I feel totally excited and honoured to be able to share this with you, and hope you choose to commit and expand your awareness of who you and what you are capable of โœจโœจโœจ itโ€™s been deeply healing to have the structured space and activity through daily writing and meditation prompts, to tune into my inner world, my worth, my desires, my relationship with abundance in whatever form and what I want to create.


-10 minutes for the meditation at a convenient time

-15-30 minutes to complete the task of the day.

Participating in this practice will also support you in realizing your blocks, fears and limiting beliefs in the area of finance. As we realize these blocks, we can then actively work to heal them by opening up an infinite source of abundance.

***YOUR COMMITMENT TO YOURSELF AND TO INTEGRITY, IS NOT TO READ AHEAD. Only do each day, and then wait until the next day before reading the next step. Do only one day at a time. It is an exercise in discipline.



In your new notebook, make a list of 50 people that have influenced your life. They can be both living and already departed people, your relatives, friends, and celebrities, writers and personalities whom you do not necessarily know personally. Everyone who has influenced you, and contributed to your growth & development. The list must have at least 50 names. In the process of making a list, think about why you chose the person. What has changed in your life for the better? Move calmly and thoughtfully. Remember the best things about each person in the list and what they bring into your life. Trust in the process! I recommend putting the phone in airplane mode at this time so that no one will interfere with you (children and everyone around you too :) - as much as is realistic of course ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿฝโค) Your list may be more than 50 people. But not less!

PHRASE OF THE DAY: * Today I behold the abundance that surrounds me * This should also be written in your notebook and remembered during the day as often as possible. Meditation Meditation can be done before or after the task. It's up to you! This is the Mantra you will repeat during meditation: Co Ham So Hum DAY 1 RECAP: 1. Meditation: repeat the mantra listening to the audio.

2. Write the phrase of the day in your notebook: "Today I behold all the abundance that surrounds me." Remember it during the day.

3. Complete the assignment in a notebook - make a list of 50 people who have influenced your development.

4. All of this is due 24 hrs from receiving it (Of course you can always choose to complete earlier.) Wishing you all a blessed day ๐Ÿ’ซ Love and Light!



It will seem simple to some people but not to others. Remember that if it is difficult for you to perform any task, then it is clear that there is a block - an obstacle in your mind on the path towards attaining abundance. Be aware of this and STICK with it! Write all of your debts in your notebook. Debt on a bank account, credit cards, loans, debts to individuals, court debts - all of your debts, of any kind. No need to record the amount, only to whom and for what. For example: a mortgage, a car loan, a debt to VISA for a gift to Tanya, etc. And after that make a list of all your monthly payments. Again without numbers, just listing. For example: renting an apartment, electricity, gas, land tax, water, an accountant, a kindergarten, a music tutor, a gym, a manicure, insurance, gasoline, etc. Everything you have to pay each month should be recorded. In general, create a complete list of sources of your monthly expenses, constant and changing. For some, this list will be extensive. Give yourself time to calmly walk through all the areas of your life in which you pay money. You may need to add what you remember even throughout the day.

Phrase - Write this phrase of the day in your notebook: โ€œI create my personal abundance from an infinite source. โ€œ  

Mantra - Aham Bramasmi Aham Bramasmi

Answer the question, โ€œWhat does abundance mean to you?โ€ If you want, you can write the answer in your notebook.

May the energy of abundance of this beautiful group continue to grow and fill us all!



Draw notes, checks, stocks, bonds, coins, and any other means of payment in your beautiful notebook. Draw so much to pay off all the debts and expenses you wrote down yesterday. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰ Now you have complete freedom to create and draw a solution. We draw in order to make it possible to pay for everything you need in the universe! Use your imagination, your creativity and felt-tip pens, pencils or paints etc. Draw bills, coins, wads of money, bags of money, rain of money - whatever you want! ๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿ€๐ŸŽ‹(I also added lots of love, health, connection, a thriving planet into my abundance flow) Remember, this is not about a drawing lesson, but about allowing yourself to create your reality and let it manifest into your life. While you are busy designing and coloring, feel the satisfaction of creating a balance between debts and expenses and the means of payment that you create - as if it were a real payment of your expenses and debts. Have fun with it!

Phrase - *Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life. *

Mantra - Sat Chit Ananda Sat Chit Ananda

Much love and abundance to you all!โค



Make a list of people whom you consider to be prosperous in your family or environment. These are people you personally know and have access to. They have achieved their goals in life, all or in part, are happy, or are perceived by you as happy. Important! We are not talking only about financial prosperity, the obligatory component is the joy, the happiness that this person is experiencing! These can be people from the previous list. How much does not matter, even two - is enough. Please remember, the more attention and reflection you give to these simple tasks, the greater the return.

Phrase - From this moment forward, I invite unlimited abundance into my life.

Mantra - Aham Bramasmi Aham Bramasmi

๐ŸŒฟ OPTIONAL - Write the answers to the questions below in your notebook or simply answer them yourself.

QUESTION N ยฐ 1: What does it mean to you to be immersed in pure consciousness?

QUESTION N ยฐ 2: How can you bring this awareness into your everyday life?

QUESTION N ยฐ 3: How has the practice of meditation helped you connect with your pure consciousness?

Have a great meditation and an abundant day! โค


In Day 5 practice and meditation we expand into by sharing.. Take a deep breath, trust you have the time and resources to explore this invitation to share more abundance consciousness with the world! We have time for what we make time for!

Today's a GOOD ONE

Today we will penetrate the field of all possibilities, appearing in the silence of meditation. The unlimited power of the universe is always at your disposal. By making intuitive decisions rooted in this unified field, you can express your deepest desires. * In your everyday life, if possible, continue to cultivate silence. Spend more time in nature, soaking up her beauty and watching how abundance manifests itself everywhere. Immerse yourself in the energy of beautiful music; uplifting and inspiring stories; optimistic like-minded people around you. By doing this, you will see how the field of all possibilities is widely revealed in front of you to help your dreams come true.

Phrase - Today I embrace my potential to be, do and have whatever I can dream.

Mantra - Sat Chit Ananda

Today's task is based on the law of energy exchange. Everything is made of energy. A person constantly exchanges energy with other people. The first principle of this law is that balance must be maintained in everything. If someone departed, then someone arrived. Energy does not disappear anywhere. If you sent something outside, then something will return to you. If you want to achieve a balance in everything, learn to give and receive equally. * Today's exercise is completely devoted to the exchange, returns. And a turning point in our journey! The Task From today, you will be responsible for your OWN abundance group. It does not have to be big. Even 2-3 people is enough. Every day, you will conduct your group through tasks from 1 to 21 days, just like you get them from me and continue to receive. Today you are just creating your group and then the next day, day 1! How do you open a group? Choose a profile photo that symbolizes abundance for you. Name the group "21 Days of Abundance" or other name and invite your friends. It is important to explain the intention of the group and say that there will be daily tasks. Use FB or Whats App. Invite people from your contact list. Invite everyone if youโ€™re for that. Afterall who are we to decide for other people whether it will be interesting to them or not. Perhaps it is this flow of plenty that they need now. And you will be the conductor of abundance in the lives of these people! Potential participants must be prepared to become part of such a process. Only those who are ready to follow you and change their consciousness will remain in your group. Friends may drop out of your group and you may be inclined to convince them to stay. We do not persuade anyone. They are free to make their own choice. Remember, you will need to send meditations and tasks every day and make sure that only those who perform the task remain in the group, maintain the group rules and the general flow. For some, this task may seem difficult due to the extra effort that will have to be made, or because of fear of failure, or fear of the unknown or the fear of "how it looks." It helps to realize oneโ€™s fears, doubts, limitations that interfere with growth. Believe me, it's easy to lead your group and very inspiring! Because of this group- I have been more committed to the original group I am a part of! You only need to copy the messages that I am sending you and check the progress of the tasks. Some minor editing may be needed for certain days (I had to do this for our group!) so review all days you copy and edit if necessary You can add something from yourself & remember to alter the days/due dates. If you do not know what to add, send my messages. I want to inspire you to continue, because look at the community we are building. The energy exchange we are creating! ๐ŸŒธโ˜˜ Let the love in your hearts expand, because YOU CAN contribute to the well-being of others! Consciousness of abundance is guaranteed to you. By creating and leading your group, you will receive an extraordinary resource! IMPORTANT: The task is due a little over 24hrs from time of receiving the task - depending on when you send it out. When you create your group, comment here "Group Created." And that is how I started this group with you !!! Surprise!! The perfect example of sharing and receiving abundance. To receive we MUST give ๐Ÿ’–Many Blessings!


Allow for more time today- itโ€™s the most writing youโ€™ll most likely be doing during this game! Trust me I was quite a bit triggered half way through with that much writing, though as I continued and persisted I noticed patterns really beginning to shift and new beliefs/ ideas/language starting to really land in more. You can do it! Give yourself space and a comfy spot to write.

Congratulations to all of you who have created their own abundant groups! Now we enter what's called Operating Mode. I recommend staying organized with your groups and remaining timely. Observe the order and terms of assignments and use the original texts, updating the dates as appropriate. Remember that we only transmit what we received ourselves! If you have questions about the conduct of your group, please text me in private. :) We continue to work with our groups and begin the 6th day.


Statement: "I, (full name, last name), am starting a new relationship with money today. Money is good, pure, useful and necessary for my prosperity and growth, for my satisfaction and abundance. Money brings positive things to my life. The success that I experience in life brings me money and happiness, for me and my loved ones. I deserve to flourish and have a lot of money. Money is my friend and the value of my investments in it is growing every day. Success and money accompany me, here and now. I ask my parents, grandparents, and ancestors to the very origins of the clan, who had difficulties due to lack of money, to bless me as I choose to live differently. And I ask my parents, grandparents, and ancestors to inspire me to the very origins of the family, who lived in abundance and prosperity.โ€

Write this statement 10 times in your notebook by hand. After that record yourself reading this statement with soul, expression and sense of attachment, i.e. sincerely, on audio or video. This task is the longest in our journey, it can take about an hour. Before performing - sit comfortably, relax, inhale several times slowly and deeply through the nose and exhale as slowly through the nose. Our brain learns through repetition and rehearsal. Therefore, tune in to connect with what you will write. * All of this is necessary to harmonize your internal relationship with money.

Phrase - Everything I desire is within me!

Mantra - Ram... ram... ram...

As a reminder, it is completely normal to experience discomfort and resistance to some tasks. This journey highlights your blocks and negative programming clearly so that you can see what is stopping you from living the abundant life that you desire. You all are doing amazing! Keep it up!! Have a wonderful day! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ซ


Nothing like some repetition to really shift some patterns and open into a new relationship with abundance... on whatever level/whatever way youโ€™re calling it in. Honouring each of you on the journey ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’–

Now that you're wired for success, here is another powerful meditation and task! ๐Ÿ™


Create a list of people that make you feel uncomfortable. This may include people from the list of the first day, i.e. those who have pushed you to growth and have brought something meaningful to your life. Here we are talking about the energy of discomfort. It can be your relatives or people who are now far from you. Your litmus test here is a feeling of discomfort, "I feel unpleasant." Including if it is not a constant feeling of communicating with this person. For example, it can be neighbors, employees, bosses, family members, members of the government. Remember that these people may trigger you, and at the same time, may also be your teachers or mentors. Also, congratulations! We have been on the road now for a week ! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Phrase - "I use my conscious intention to manifest my dreams"

Mantra - Sat Chit Ananda Sat Chit Ananda

Have a wonderful night/day!

This completes Week 1 - Well Done!

Tomorrows post will have the 2nd week.

Remember, only read 1 day at a time.

My pancake art brings all the kids to the yard


Don't play with your food, unless you made it playful! Introducing the disco kids making pancakes with a pinch of play. Instructions below

Pancake basic recipe from my beloved Mavis Mundy, who loved to batter up.


  • 1 cup of flour (s/raising for height)

  • 1 egg

  • A cup and a slosh or so of milk

  • Pinch of salt.


1. Mix all ingredients in one bowl until lumpless.

2. Let it rest for five

3. Divide pancake mix in different bowls

4. Add FLAVOUR or colour e.g. food colouring, cocoa, berry syrup.

4. Heat pan, add a little butter or non stick spray

5. Make your own crepey masterpiece.


โค Simone