Moving Through Anxiety To The ‘Mighty Me’ You Want To Be

This one is for the mummas. For the ladies.

Well, actually, it is for everyone, because we ALL get anxious.

But, it also is true that we women are significantly more likely to experience clinical levels of anxiety. We are also paid less than men for the same work, to do more domestic tasks, to be seen as less likeable when we are seen as confident (and vis-versa), are more likely to be sexually harassed… and so on.

So, it is no wonder we feel anxious.

Interested in learning some skills to help you be the Mighty Mumma we know you are?!

Have a listen to this Wisdom for Wellbeing podcast interview with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Jill Stoddard. Dr. Stoddard is skilled in explaining stress, anxiety, fear and the like, as well as detailing effective strategies to move forward creating a life by design – a mighty life. She is open in sharing her own struggles, and clearly lives all the wisdom she shares here today.

So, your first mighty action – put in those ear buds!

Until soon,

Kaitlin xx |

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