
My pancake art brings all the kids to the yard


Don't play with your food, unless you made it playful! Introducing the disco kids making pancakes with a pinch of play. Instructions below

Pancake basic recipe from my beloved Mavis Mundy, who loved to batter up.


  • 1 cup of flour (s/raising for height)

  • 1 egg

  • A cup and a slosh or so of milk

  • Pinch of salt.


1. Mix all ingredients in one bowl until lumpless.

2. Let it rest for five

3. Divide pancake mix in different bowls

4. Add FLAVOUR or colour e.g. food colouring, cocoa, berry syrup.

4. Heat pan, add a little butter or non stick spray

5. Make your own crepey masterpiece.


❤ Simone