Deepak Chopra's 21 Day Abundance Meditation course - WEEK 2

***Remember - only read each day at a time. Best of luck for Week 2.


Congratulations! We’ve completed one week together! 🙏 so happy for you to be committed and enjoying meditating daily.


Find at least 5 receipts of recent purchases. Write on each of them: * "All that is invested is good and will return to itself seven times" * Receipts can be of any type: supermarket, restaurant, personal items, car, health, hairdresser, entertainment, etc. If your purchase receipts are electronic, you may create a paper receipt by writing the amount, date and to whom you paid on a piece of paper. And from now on, on each purchase receipt that you receive, write this statement. Remember, it’s important not only what you write, but also how you write it. Words have power. They help our mind build new programming and therefore create a new reality.

Phrase - “Through the law of pure potentiality I can create anything anytime anywhere ”

Mantra - Om Bhavan Nama Om Bhawan Nama



Write 5 of your shortcomings / flaws that limit you in your notebook. The traits that do not allow you to receive what you want materially or any aspects of abundance. Do not write only from the mind but rather feel with your heart what these flaws are.

Phrase - "Today and always, I give what I want to receive"

And, of course, there is a pleasant and useful meditation for you today.

Mantra - Om Vardanam Nama Om Vardanam Nama

9 days in! Thanks for sharing the journey and spreading the love and abundance 🌈💖

DAY 10


From yesterday, choose 2 things that limit you. Establish a program for yourself by writing down at least 2 specific daily actions that “fix” the defect, reduce a deficiency, or realize that there is a plus side to this defect and start using it in to your advantage. After that, immediately begin to fulfill the intent of your program. For example: If one is your flaws is being "ungrateful," you can establish a daily journaling of writing down all of what you're grateful.

Phrase - “Today I make great choices because they are made with full awareness“ Write the phrase of the day in a notebook and keep it in your head, remembering and saying it as often as possible during the day. Start as early as possible so that there is more opportunity to repeat the phrase of the day. In addition, listen to today's meditation at least 3 times.

Mantra - Om Kriam Nama Message: Abundance and the Law of Karma In today's meditation, we will discuss the Law of Karma, or conscious decision-making, and see how, by making the right choices, we can bring much more good into our lives. When you make any choice, you may ask yourself: how will this choice bring more happiness and more abundance to my life and those around me? Having asked this question, shift your attention to the heart, and the answer will immediately become clear. By practicing conscious decision-making in this way, you will learn to observe your thoughts and make decisions that are more favorable to you.

QUESTION N ° 1: How do you make decisions?

QUESTION N ° 2: How have your decisions affected your life?

QUESTION N ° 3: How can you make a more conscious choice?

Love ❤ to each and every one of you Have a restful night and beautiful and productive day!

DAY 11

Abundance and the Law of Least Effort

In today's meditation, we will look at the Law of Least Effort and how it can support you in being unattached to the outcome of your deepest desires and intentions. When your actions are motivated by love, your energy is multiplied and accumulated. The release of this energy allows you to redirect it and use it to create everything that you want to create. When your spirit is your inner point of reference, all the power of love is at your disposal. And you can use this energy creatively, moving toward abundance and evolution.

QUESTION N ° 1: According to your conviction, how hard should you work to enjoy true abundance?

QUESTION N ° 2: In what areas of your life would you like to get more abundance?

QUESTION N ° 3: What changes should you make to release your desires into the space of universal consciousness - the source of all abundance?

Task - Please describe your mum in the notebook. * positive aspects * limitations * what did you learn from her? * What brought you together? * What separated / distance you? If your mother is no longer in this world, focus on her image, join her and write what rises in your memory and feelings. For some, this will not be an easy task. If this is the case - while doing it, try to distance yourself from the personal experiences you've had with your mum. See her as just a human, a woman living her own life.

Phrase - ”I expect and accept abundance to flow easily to me"

Mantra - Om Daksham Nama

DAY 12

Abundance and the Law of Intent and Desire

Attention energizes; intention transforms. In today's meditation, we will look at the Law of Intent and Desire. Whatever you want or need in life can be programmed in the space “computer." It has unlimited organizing power to work for you, clearly articulating the intention and throwing its seeds in the field of all possibilities. Thus, you will attract the right people, as well as favorable situations and circumstances; which will help you in the manifestation and implementation of your desires.

QUESTION N ° 1: What is your highest intention in life?

QUESTION N ° 2: What can you do to make this happen?

QUESTION N ° 3: How will this intention best serve you and others?

Task - Ask your mum what her biggest pain / disappointment has been in her life. And, what is her dream - and/or great desire that remains unfulfilled? Write the answer in your notebook. If your mother is no longer with you or you are unable to ask her personally, go into a state of meditation, ask and listen to the answer. Write it down.

Phrase - I place my intention into the vast ocean of all possibilities and allow the universe to work through me

Mantra - Om Mritham Nama Om Mritham Nama

DAY 13

Abundance and the Law of Detachment

Today we will learn how to abandon a desire to get a certain result. We will learn the Law of Detachment. Abundance comes in many forms. As long as you create through desires that benefit the whole world, you can get whatever you want. Symbols of abundance: a big house, a new car or elaborate jewelry will bring waves of excitement into your life. And yet, these symbols may mean sacrificing the ocean for the sake of several transient waves. "Live, overflowing with an abundance of love, passion, creativity and significance, and then these symbols themselves will “chase” you." --Dr. David Simon, Co-Founder of the Chopra Center

QUESTION N ° 1: What symbols of abundance do you dream of?

QUESTION N ° 2: How could they improve both your life and others?

QUESTION N ° 3: How else will such abundance positively affect your life?

Task - Think about your mum’s description from Day 11. Consider your life and your patterns of behavior. Do you see some similarities between you and your mom? What are they, how were they formed? Write these reflections in your notebook. Listen to today's meditation twice in a row. Have a wonderful day everyone, full of light and abundance! 💎

Phrase - "As I let go of the need to arrange my life, the Universe brings abundant good to me"

Mantra - Om Anadham Nama Om Anadham Nama

DAY 14

We are heading into our last week together. Let's keep doing the work and creating abundance!

Abundance and the Law of Dharma

Today we are completing the second week of the 21 day meditation program of the Chopra Center - KEY TO ABUNDANCE. Over the past week, we have examined abundance in terms of the principles described in my book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, from the Law of Pure Potentiality to the Dharma Law today. When your life is full of true purpose, your dharma, or abundance, rushes toward you easily and effortlessly. As the saying goes: “Do what you love, the money will be.” It is not only about material wealth, but also about satisfaction, confidence, optimism, joy and abundance! And all of its manifestations that will come to you if you live your true purpose in life.

QUESTION N ° 1: What brings you the most joy?

QUESTION N ° 2: How do you feel this joy in your everyday life and in your current work?

QUESTION N ° 3: How can you approach a life full of joy, by living your Dharma or life's dream?

Task - Enjoy this day, noticing the generous gifts of the world that surround us, seek us, and ask us to notice and accept them. Seek, find, accept and give thanks for each of them. At the end of the day, write down at least three paths / sources through which abundance has come to you today. Even if it was something very small. Watch the short video below. Write down 3 cases when you deprived someone of the opportunity to learn his/her lesson. Think of examples such as helping a friend, showing your power over children, etc. Phrase - "There is a way I can fulfill my true purpose in life"

Mantra - Om Varunam Nama Om Varunam Nama Have a beautiful day!

Congratulations! Tomorrow’s post will share the final 7 days of the course.