Let go of control so you can rise higher. Love, April.

Heyy you, it is Monday morning 8:00am where I live. The sun is starting to show itself and I just had a mango & cranberry juice breakfast. Goooodmorning!

With a new week ahead, it feels like the perfect time to give you some food for thought! 

This is an interesting month for me in many ways, all caused by the guidance I received from my true self:

"In April, don't work for 15 days (spread throughout the month)."  

Say what?! Seriously, in the past three years, I can't even remember when I didn't work for 5 or 6 days per week, and that is not something that I am proud of. 

I've been feeling for a while that I need to change the way I am working, so I knew why I received this guidance.

The first thing I did (which was definitely necessary, lol), was clearing my limiting beliefs around spending time on and for myself, stepping away from my businesses and letting of control. Second, I blocked 15 days in my calendar. 😲

The first days of my 15-days-of-not-working, I felt restless. It was almost like I was programmed to check my phone over and over, refresh my mail, open Facebook, check my Instagram inbox, check my website... 

"NO Jenn, a day off is a day OFF!"

Just checking something quickly might seem innocent, but it is not just about your fingers opening a screen and your eyes reading a message - your mind will consume this information and so basically, it is still spending its attention and energy on work. That is called not-letting-go-of-control-cheating, and that is not a self-loving thing to do!

Now, more than halfway through April, and I'm absolutely loving all my guilt-free days off. I've slept so much that I feel fully recharged, I've had time to research many things that I am interested in that are not work-related, I spend quality time with friends, I'm learning new skills like photo-editing and skateboarding, I've had dates with myself and... I'm attracting organic traction in the midst of it all!  

Then on the days I am working, I want to honour my recharged energy and spend it in the best ways possible. So here's what I do: every time I (automatically) want to give in to any action (read: from a few second actions to a few hour actions), I ask myself two questions:

1. How necessary is this action?
2. Is this action in the highest good of me and my businesses?

I'm not exaggerating if I say that probably 80% of my actions (most of them having to do with checking things) don't make the cut. 

So... I challenge you to challenge yourself this week! Ask yourself these two questions before you take any action. Your energy is so precious... it is the energy that creates your world. Spend it wisely and in a self-loving way. You deserve that!

And if you love to receive guidance from your own true self and like to get rid of some of your own deep-rooted limiting beliefs, I invite you to book a free 15-minute demo session with me.

Have an awesome week!

 With love, 
