Creating a Space for Parents

Hi, Amelia here from My Soulful Space. Today I would love to show you how to create a little space for yourself. A space to sit and relax, to feel like you can take a breath, maybe even have 5 minutes to read an actual book or magazine (maybe :)

We all know that our environment can really affect our inner experience, which is then transferred to how we feel and act. Having a space to return to during the day that is calm and restful, even for 2 minutes a couple of times throughout the day, is vital to keep a positive frame of mind.

It doesn’t need to be a whole room, or be too fancy, but it is important to create a little retreat, especially if you are at home with your children for the majority of the day.

If you have a whole room that you can create as an adult space, great! But if your space is shared with your children, we can definitely work with that.

Creating your space:

  • choose a room or area of the house that you feel relaxed in and enjoy spending time in. I personally find it more relaxing to be in an area that I can still watch whats happening rather than be seperate and have to pop out to check on everyone. If your children are older you may be able to be further away. Its whatever works for you and your family :)

  • Tidy up all the toys in the space…either completely if it is an entire room dedicated to the adult space, or if it is a shared space, create a little toy nook so that your children’s toys/books are minimised. Grab a basket or nice box, a little rug and create your child a small area with toys that are relaxing and not noisy or annoying to have around, and that ideally do not require adult interaction (see my previous article on creating a beautiful play space for your children if you would like to know more) We only keep a basket of wooden blocks and some dolls and books near our parents nook, and keep the lego and other crafty/messy toys in another area.

  • Make sure there is a nice comfy couch, cushions, cozy blanket, lamp and side table for your cup of tea and book.

Enjoy this space. Take some time out and recharge. Just sit and breathe if you need to.

By doing this, although we may face some resistance at times, we are teaching our children by example about self care and the importance of slowing down and resting. And who knows, you may even get 5 minutes of peace as they take the time to rest or play quietly nearby (here’s hoping!)

Whatever you have in store today I hope it is a lovely day …I think its time go and pop the kettle on :)

Amelia x
