Chasing vs. Attracting | The Cinderella Story

I recently had a session with this wonderful, intuitive woman. She is wise and kind and has an etheric quality to her which can calm me down in an instant…Here are some wise words from her, for all of us who may be feeling a sense of disconnection and need or a yearning which feels out of our reach. You can learn more about her work here

Do you ever notice that how you do one thing, is how you do most things? 

When I look back at my love life, as well as my financial life (two areas of life who are very much intertwined), I notice a recurring pattern: oftentimes I was in a chasing vibration.

I was chasing a boy. I was chasing money. 

First of all, the chasing vibration was "giving" me the direct opposite of what I desired (read: lack of love, lack of money).

This is because if you need to chase something, it means that you are focused on the absence of it. It's like you are saying to the Universe "I need this", which will make it less likely that you will actually attract it into your life experience. 

But second and most importantly: it damaged my self-worth. 

Funny... As an analogy, my True Self is showing me an image of Cinderella. In the movie, she's cleaning the floors, doing all kinds of below-her-worth chores for her unloving family...

...until she decides to wear her beautiful dress, step into her worth and take a chance!

Throughout her brave journey, she meets amazing people who believe in her and show her the way, and when she arrives at the ball, she is surrounded by eyes who truly value her. 

She has always been meant for more, but she could only access this once she started to act in alignment with her worth. 

You see, the way you "speak" to yourself is so important, and I'm not even talking about the conversations between you and your monkey mind here! I'm talking about what you do and how you behave, and the signals you send off to yourself with that behaviour.

Someone who knows her worth doesn't chase anyone or anything. Instead, she has fun executing on inspired action. She is magnetic. She simply attracts. ✨

Much love,
