Yoga for Psychological Flexibility

It absolutely does not matter if you can touch your toes.

It matters if you can handle the challenges, the pain, that life throws at you.

How can you handle pain (without it turning into suffering)?

Well, through the cultivation of something called psychological flexibility.

Yoga, a practice we often think more of in terms of physical flexibility, is a brilliant tool to help you develop this mental skill.

The best person to learn this all from? Dr. Emily K. Sandoz. An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) expert, and regular yoga practice.

Emily started her practice with limited financial resources, 3 children, and 10 minutes a day that she found on a yoga mat at the foot of her bed.

Put your ear buds in, start doin’ the things (in my house this means dishes, tidying toes, and maybe… painting my nails). Perhaps by the end of this Wisdom for Wellbeing podcast episode you will find yourself rollin’ out your yoga mat. Or, simply doing a little mindful movement to check in with you.


~Kaitlin Harkess /
