Meditation with kids. Sounds impossible. I gave it a go!

You don’t have to sit alone in a forest.

You don’t have to sit alone in a forest.

When Faith was about 9 months old - very actively crawling all over the place, and all over me - I met a wonderful woman who taught me how to meditate with a baby. I thought it would impossible, being constantly interrupted, but she showed me how and Ive never forgotten the flow of how that felt. Set in a safe space, eyes gently lowered not closed, we simply notice the thoughts like clouds passing across our minds, continuously coming back to the centring thought, or to focusing on the breath, when those clouds would take us away with them. Faith would crawl into my lap or require my quick attention and I would calmly address it and come back to the same breath. It was magical! It reminded me of being in India and seeing yogis meditate in busy train stations. Now they were seriously focused.

These days I meditate alone, and Faith, 9, knows not to interrupt me, but this morning…something very different happened.