You are Alive for a Reason

"It's 'relationship' that is missing. It's the heart that is missing."

I recently posted very openly on Facebook, as I have vowed to do, about the struggles of being home and working with children. (I also share the good times). And what I find by doing this, is this:

People open up. People share. People call me to either check-in or to check out, blurt out, vent and purge. People feel connected and give themselves permission to be vulnerable, fearful and less than perfect because it's already out there, being said. So often we hold back for fear of looking weak. I have spoken to countless leaders in large corporate organisations who have seen this at work - brave leaders sharing those parts of themselves - and its been the turning point for many.

My recent paper in Health Psychology discusses the critical need for emotional support through connection and authenticity with real people. It's a gift you can give that will inspire and move someone else, and in turn, positively effect their loved ones in the short and long term.

This moving video from which the quotes above are sourced, is well worth the watch, now more than ever. We have everything we need to be the good in someone's life.