"I feel drained after being on Zoom all day" - Yes, that's normal, and here's why.

I teach a class every week for 2 hours at the University. It’s usually one of the highlights of my week - I leave the room feeling energised and alive. I enjoy the banter, the give and take, and conversation and the energy in the room.

I now teach the same class online. Afterward, I feel drained, exhausted, almost teary, especially if I’ve had multiple zoom meetings during the day. Same class, same content, same people - yet a completely different personal experience.

This is a completely normal response to moving from face to face interaction, to online. Village was founded on the very concepts presented below, by Dr. Fiona Kerr, Founder, and CEO at the NeuroTech Institute.

Our brain responds so differently to face to face connection. We are, of course, social beings. We are wired for it - it enriches our personal experience and sense of connection. I’ll let Dr. Kerr go into the nitty-gritty.

Now, what’s the point you may ask, of telling you this when you can’t do anything about it for now?

The point is, to let you know that it’s OK not to be 100% ok with our lives online. It’s ok to need and schedule fewer meetings during the day. And there are some ways you can combat the effects:

CONNECT more meaningfully with those you do have contact with. Lots of touch, and looking into the eyes of your family. Hug them more, talk about things and look at each other. Watch a movie holding hands. Whatever it is, do it mindfully. I know I know…You're probably ready to strangle them after being cooped up this long. This might help (connecting, not strangling :)

EARTH yourselves. After a day of Zoom I’m in the soil. Literally, I’m either weeding, planting or lying flat on my back on the grass. There is A LOT of info out there on earthing, and whether you’re a believer or not, we all know that getting into the open air, or into nature helps to heal us.

BATHE in salted water. Take the time to dim the lights, light a candle and soak in the tub. Pop some magnesium salt flakes in and let your body relax.

UNPLUG from devices overnight. Turn off the wi-fi overnight. Keep a journal by the bed. You will sleep better I promise you. This morning I woke up and did my meditation and Faith, 9, lying next to me asked if she could do one too! Miraculous if you know Faith… So we meditated together. Journal, draw and start the day with intentions.

There are lots of things you can do to recharge. I would love to hear some of your suggestions! I’m getting off the screen now…I have some seeds to plant :)