Welcome to the Village Community App

When you download the Village Foundation App you become part of a community of parents who are there for each other. New and experienced parents with all sorts of experiences are waiting to meet with you! Find them locally with our map, or scroll to find someone you connect with.

It takes a village to raise a child, and yet we are often so isolated. Connect with people near you to create your village, find your tribe, and live a connected life.

Village Connect App

Key Features

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With other parents nearby or someone who has been there before.

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To get to know each other through our secure platform.

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Your new connections and our approved Village Mentors with our geographically based mapping.

Download the Village Foundation App today and start connecting with parents in your community.

Village Community Programs


The Village Foundation offers programs to support parents in the transition from pregnancy to parenthood. They can be offered through the workplace, your local community center, privately, or for a specific group.

Village Life Programs have been developed based on empirical evidence, are delivered by professional facilitators and midwives, and include lived experience and research-based content and experiences. They are tailored to the needs of those attending and built specifically to address the cultural, and significant life stage that you are in. They are based on current empirical research and offered by trained and experienced facilitators.

Programs are offered online, face to face, or a blend of both.

For more information, please contact tiffany@villagefoundationapp.com