Creating our kids Autumn wardrobe!

Hi lovely Village parents, Its Amelia from My Soulful Space and today I would love to chat to you about creating your kids Autumn/winter wardrobe :)

I love this time of year, the nights are becoming cooler and our days slightly shorter. The seasons are changing which means its time to re visit and refresh our children’s wardrobes. (yay!) This is one of my favourite things to do because it feels very organised and refreshing once it is complete :) It also shows us how much our little ones are growing and changing and is a great opportunity to declutter and donate all of the clothes that are no longer needed in our home.

Step 1: Take all of your childs clothing out of their wardrobe/drawers/baskets

Pop them all on the floor or bed. I just prefer to do it this way, but you can do drawer by drawer or category by category if you prefer.

Go through the items one by one, being thoughtful about whether or not they will be kept or let go of…

What to let go of: (pop all of the ‘to go’ items in a big pile, we will sort them out soon)

Clothing that is unsuitable for the next season

Clothing your child has outgrown, doesn’t enjoy wearing, is torn, stained (to the point where you don’t actually want them to leave the house in it) and clothes that you don’t like your child to wear for any other reason.

What to keep:

Clothes that are loved, worn lots, still big enough, can be passed down to siblings and will suit the new season.

Pop the yes pile back into their place in your child’s wardrobe or drawers.

What to do with unneeded clothes:

Create 3 piles-1: put away for next season/or for younger sibling (size depending), 2: donate and 3: bin.

If you have more than one child, the eldest child’s clothing can be stored for the younger ones (ah, the love of pass-me downs!)

Donate clothes that are in a good clean condition to charity, friends with children who will use them, or sell or give away on marketplace or gumtree (FB has pages that support families in need who would love your unneeded items, just make sure they are in still in good condition)

Bin them if they are totally worn out, or keep one or two items for messy play and painting

Bringing in the new clothes :)

Over the year I collect clothes and shoes in charity shops that will fit my children over the next few seasons. I don’t go crazy, but if I see something that is really nice, well made and would suit my children I buy it and store it. Then, each season I grab these bags down and bring the items that are season and size appropriate into their wardrobes (well drawers…I don’t have the patience to hang up kids clothes!) This is so fun! Because it is all ready, I don’t need to go out and buy a bundle of new clothes.

Buying second-hand saves money and it is much better for the environment. Plus, kids grow so quickly, most second-hand children’s clothing is in nearly new condition anyway. You are also likely to get really good quality brands for way cheaper than if you went and purchased new items that are of lesser quality. Another option is to head to marketplace or gumtree and search ‘size 4 kids clothes’ or whatever you are needing, and you can often find bundles of clothing selling super cheap! Then if after all of that you do need to purchase clothes, wherever you can, buy the best quality clothing that you can afford, it will last longer and can then be passed down again and again :)

Most of all, enjoy this process!

Remember, keep your child’s wardrobe simple and practical. It minimizes stress and creates calm and ease when your child is getting dressed. Less is always more!

Feel free to contact me at to learn more about what I do. I also currently offer zoom sessions- book a free chat and to discuss this option if you would like extra support creating beautiful, functional spaces in your home x

Have an amazing day,

Amelia x