You will not always have the crayon colours you want...

Once upon a time, there was a 5-year-old girl who on the first day at school was asked to choose her favourite colour from a box of crayons and write her name. The girl looked at the colours and stood still with her hands at the back despite being asked a few times. At the end of the day when the teacher asked her how come she had chosen a colour to write her name, the child replied "ma'am, the box did not have my favourite colour"

How many times do we feel immobilized because the choice we had in mind was just not available to us, at least not at the time we wanted. Is progress halted when acceptance for the desired job is denied, when enrollment in a required class is closed, when that dream date does not progress or a relationship breaks down? At the time the answer to the question can feel like a resounding Yes!

Are we ever, due to reasons hard to understand or beyond our control, faced with a set of circumstance that we did not have in mind for ourselves? In other words, what happens when we look in the box and the pink crayon just isn't there? It is so easy to lock our knees, lock our hands behind our back and do nothing. But to do so would defy the very reason we are placed here on the earth.

As challenging they may be to accept, stumbling blocks are essential to our progression and growth. At the time you may not always know why things have turned out the way they have but when you look back and join the dots, it usually all makes sense. I am sure you have examples of your own that testify this fact. If you are on this mailing list, you are up to something other than the ordinary and likely have been pushed in directions not foreseen.

For me it was the breakdown of my relationship and the time and that I was away from the then 4-year-old daughter. I would have certainly not chosen those colours from my box of choices but had to pull my life together with the colours that were there. My choice would have been to not experience what was given me to do, yet each day is filled with deeper meaning, new insights and more clarity on helping create a world where children grow up joyful, feeling loved and with self-belief. If I was given the choice to take the challenges away, I would say Yes to that in a heartbeat but I would not want to be denied the insights that have come with it. Always having our first choice may mean giving up unknown benefits.

Emerson said "for everything you have missed, you have gained something else"

To remain focused, the see the end from the beginning will become tough from time to time. Taking the small steps each day and following a grounded daily routine goes a long way - how you start your day and how you end it and who you surround yourselves with. At times, you may need to pivot, take a different path temporarily. This will be unique to each person and their unique set of circumstances. But wherever you are and whatever you are doing, small steps taken consistently usually yield great results.

You may not have all the colours of the crayons you want, but do have all the colours that you need!

P.S. This note is inspired by a video I recently saw.

Text by Puneet Sachdev
I coach interesting people out there making an impact and a difference. I support my clients increase their income and impact is by working One to One with them to help them get clear on their highest leverage areas. We build the vision of their desired lifestyle and then work on their strategy, mindset, skillset, environment to get the best results. Giving back is another foundational practice I usually suggest.”
More information about Puneet and his portfolio: here