Off the shelf

I’ve wanted to clean out my pantry for months.

And I decided I would tackle it when the kids returned to school.

With an impending longer school holidays I decided the kids could help me.

The perfectionism in me was nervous. But again I chose to let go of the perfect, and allow some helpers.

The result was magic.

The kids not only learnt about what actually lives in our pantry, but together we learnt:

  1. Teamwork.

  2. What food lives where, which means instead of demanding food they can now source their own throughout the day, especially if I am working

  3. That excess food, means wastage

  4. That food we won’t eat can be donated to families that need it - I donated my non perishables to Heart and Soul Group

  5. How placing certain items together meant I could meal plan and create shopping lists easier

  6. That we actually don’t need 4 x boxes of Weetbix

  7. Mindfulness can be present in any pantry

I also decided to invest in some new storage jars, and I am excited to source something new and workable for our space.
