When suddenly we find ourselves alone again.

The COVID19 situation is something no-one could have predicted. And for many, it may be bringing up pain from the past. Postnatal depression can have lasting effects on women, partners, and children, and while 40% of women may experience with subsequent births, no-one expects to be reliving the anxiety and feelings once their children are no longer babies. Yet here we are, confined, isolated, and stressed; home with children, no office to go to, no adult conversations in the lunchroom or in the budget meetings. Rather we sit, huddled with our children balancing Zoom calls with bedtimes and phone meetings with meltdowns. Having those wounds rupture and reliving pain once thought to be well and truly healed may be something we never thought we would have to handle. At this time, please do something differently. Where you couldn’t reach out before, reach out this time. Where you wore it all, blaming yourself before, have compassion this time. Where you felt as though you were the only one, before, feel normal this time. We are all alone, together. be the light for someone else this time, start the conversation, be proactive and positive - compassionate and kind - in your approach with your self. Remind yourself of everything you are, everything you can do and be, and stand unapologetically strong in your stance that you are doing the best you can, and that in these times that is absolutely good enough.

We are here if you need additional support. Please know we have been there, we understand and we are here to help. xx

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