Father's Day

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Suddenly the beautiful weather and the blossoms are upon us. Thank goodness! For many new parents this would have been the first Fathers Day. For others, its a another day of lunch, a phone call, perhaps some raw eggs and cold coffee? For some its a really hard day. For the many reasons we could mention, its not always what its cracked up to be. Back when I first had Faith it was a day I wanted so desperately to celebrate, but instead it was filled with sadness, emptiness and a diminishing hope that everything would be ok.

Especially this week, when we see all the sun kissed picture-perfect families out and about, sharing about the BEST DAD ever on social media, enjoying the rides at the show, it's important to remember those pictures tell only the briefest snippet of a story.

Tonight my kids were reminiscing about a recent camping trip. “That was the best holiday ever!” The pictures were great I suppose. But, I can honesty tell you, that that was the worst holiday ever. No word of a lie I wanted to get into a cupboard and stay there. It's interesting what sentiment and memories do.

This week, I encourage you to reach out to one new parent who you’ve connected with via Village and catch up for a coffee. Talk about the real stuff. Not the stuff of pictures or social media. There may have been great moments, but Im sure there was an element of stress in there somewhere, if not this year in past years! Laugh about it, share it, but most of all, know that its completely normal and that we have all been there in some way.